Laser Facials

  • LaseMD Ultra is a gentle but effective non-ablative laser that targets the water molecules in the skin and is safe for all skin types. The treatment can be customized to fit your needs – whether you are looking for a light resurfacing to give your skin a glowing appearance before a special occasion or a deeper treatment to address fine lines, pigmentation and mild to moderate sun damage, LaseMD Ultra is the perfect addition to your skin care routine. A series of 3 or more treatments is recommended for best results. Treatments can be performed monthly.The treatment takes only about 30 minutes and you will feel residual heat and redness for the rest of the day. You will notice redness (like a mild sunburn) that lasts for 2-3 days and tiny “coffee ground” spots shedding out of your skin over 5-7 days.

  • Clarity™ vascular reduction works by using laser energy, it is then absorbed by the blood vessels and converted to heat. This heat then shrinks the blood vessels which will ultimately reduce and eliminate their overall appearance, working on every skin type.Vascular lesions sometimes appear due to sun damage, genetics, and the normal aging process; they can happen naturally or be a result of an environmental source. Some of the defined conditions the Clarity™ laser can be used to treat are:


    Facial veins

What are laser facials?

Using advanced laser technology, laser facials target fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, and uneven skin tone at a deeper level, stimulating collagen production and promoting a more youthful complexion. This non-invasive procedure is gentle yet effective, providing visible results with minimal downtime. Whether you're concerned about signs of aging or wish to improve skin texture, laser facials offer a versatile solution for achieving radiant and smooth skin.

LaseMD is the gold standard for the treatment of discoloration, sun damage & melasma.

Our advanced laser facial treatments effectively target a range of skin concerns, including acne, uneven skin tone, wrinkles, and sun damage. By promoting collagen production and minimizing imperfections, laser facials leave your skin looking smoother, firmer, and more youthful. Say goodbye to dull, tired skin and hello to a radiant, rejuvenated complexion.

What to expect during your treatment.

At Premier Medspa, our state-of-the-art laser technology works to stimulate collagen production, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and even out skin tone. During your session, a trained professional will guide the laser over your skin, targeting specific areas of concern with precision and care. You can expect a mild tingling sensation and a gentle warming effect as the laser works its magic. Afterward, revel in the immediate glow and radiance of your revitalized skin.

When you choose a laser facial at Premier Medspa, you're choosing a non-invasive, virtually painless treatment that delivers remarkable results. Our experienced and skilled professionals customize each laser facial to your unique skincare needs, ensuring maximum effectiveness and safety.